Ms. Fraley:
We recently sent information to you via USPS. I am reaching out to make sure you received our mailing.
The How To Do Your Banking financial education workbooks are available for Shelby High School this school year, provided by FCBank. (Please note: As a reminder, you previously ordered 60 of the free workbooks in November 2017).
To request workbooks (at no cost to your school), please forward me the information below. Workbooks will be shipped within the next couple of weeks.
No. of Students you need workbooks for:
No. of Teaching Guides:
Names of other teachers you are also ordering for:
Month Teaching:
Guest Speaker Requested:
If so, Best Time to Call:
To view information and see a sample page of the workbook go to If you have any questions, call 800-969-2675.
If you are not in need of workbooks this year, please let me know. We will keep you on our list for next year.
Diane Abate
Teacher Services Officer
Cemark, Inc.
13531 East Boundary Road Suite A
Midlothian, VA 23112