Administrative Positions

Certified Positions

Classified Positions

Classified Positions:

Shelby City Schools has a 6.0-hour highly qualified educational aide position available for the 2024/2025 school year, with probable assignment at PK-8 Building.  This is a 186-day position.  The salary is based on the negotiated [...]

Substitute Custodial

Shelby City Schools is in need of substitute custodial staff. All shifts, varying hours, $13.46 / hour. Call 419-342-2442 if interested, ask for Dan or Cathy.

Supplemental Positions

Extra-Duty Position

Shelby City Schools has the following extra-duty position available for the 2024-2025 school year: Assistant Varsity Boys Track Coach Anyone interested in this position may apply to Mr. Pat Lewis, [email protected].  Position will be posted [...]