Welcome to the Shelby City Schools Treasurer’s office! The District Treasurer is the custodian of District records and records request should be forwarded to the Treasurer. We’re happy to help with any questions about district finances, payroll, accounts payable and any other financial issues that may arise. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
State Fraud Center
The Auditor of State, Dave Yost, established the following hotline and Fighting Fraud website for information and reporting of potential fraud throughout governmental agencies.
Phone: 1-866-FRAUD OH (1-866-372-8364)
US Mail: Ohio Auditor of State’s Office, Special Investigation Unit, 88 East Broad Street, PO Box 1140, Columbus, Ohio 44215

Contact Information
Office of the Treasurer
Beth Lykins, Treasurer
Extension 28301
109 West Smiley Avenue
Shelby, Ohio 44875
Phone (419) 342-3647
Fax (419) 347-3586
[email protected]
Heather Fairchild, Assistant to Treasurer Payroll
Shelby, Ohio 44875
Phone (419) 342-3647
Fax (419) 347-3586
Susan Porch, Assistant to Treasurer Accounts Payable
109 West Smiley Avenue
Shelby, Ohio 44875
Phone (419) 342-3647
Fax (419) 347-3586
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
-Nelson Mandela